Sunday, May 20, 2012

Jane Lynch on The Rachel Maddow Show

Despite not living in the United States (I'm Canadian), I really enjoy The Rachel Maddow Show. This isn't necessarily because I agree with her on everything, or just because she's a lesbian. I really enjoy the way she delivers political commentary. One episode this past week was even better than the usual.

This segment of the show, that shows up on a semi-regular basis, is The Best New Thing in the World Today. What made this the best new thing for me, though, wasn't the news that they were talking about, but that Jane Lynch and Rachel Maddow were just lesbians being lesbians on television. They weren't being particularly stereotypical, they were just talking about what mattered to them. It was one of those moments enshrined in the "privilege checklist." There were people like me on television just being themselves, talking about things that matter to me, and it made me happy. I didn't feel like anyone was having a laugh at my expense and I didn't feel like people like me were being paraded around as token characters. It was just two lesbians having a chat. Progress.

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